Yearling Bull and Heifer Sale
32 Polled Herefords
10 Angus
12 Jersey
15 Polled Hereford Heifers

12th October 2023 @ 12 noon
This years line up of over 50 yearling bulls are developing into well grown bulls with low birth weight and high growth including carcass attributes. Suitable for heifer and cow mating to generate quality dairy beef calves. this year we have included 11 quality Jersey bulls.
Sale Catalogues out now
Polled Hereford and Angus bulls are :
Well Grown ranging 400 to 500kg
Quite Docility
Semen Tested and Fertile
BVD tested and Antigen negative
7 in 1 Vaccinated x2
Jersey Bulls
Well Grown about 380kg
Quite Docility
BVD tested and Antigen negative
7 in 1 Vaccinated x2
Suitable for either cows or heifers
Bred and Born on farm, out of our dairy cows
This year we have more than 15 Polled Hereford or Angus bulls have carefully selected bulls suitable for heifer mating options, to make it easier to select these bulls have this symbol beside respective bulls, Please lookout for the below symbol beside bull which have meet the the criteria in the sale catalogue.
Please do contact us if you have any question or ring your
local livestock agent
Buy the correct bull for your heifers

Heifer Bull Selection Criteria :
Actual low birth weight and born unassisted
Parents had an actual low birth weight and born unassisted
Well laid in shoulders
Low birth weight and high calving ease of EBVs (Estimated Breeding Value)